Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Two, Two, Two Days in One!!

Dear Friends-

Two days have passed since we last wrote. Yesterday was chaotic and I’m not sure all I can tell you about it. I can tell you that a beautiful thing did happen Sunday night that made me cry tears of joy though. A woman walked up with a sweet dalmation that she found wandering the streets of Baton Rouge. She kept him as long as she could in her upstairs apartment (with her three cats) until she began getting threats from her landlord. Having no place else to turn, she brought the dog to us.

She had to be turned away at the door because we don’t accept rescued animals. We are now only accepting “owner” relinquished animals. And because this dog was found in Baton Rouge, it is not even considered a “Katrina Dog” although some very interesting details pointed to him definitely being one. Regardless, he was headed for Animal Control.

Remember the gal Marsha, I told you about earlier – the one who I was in competition with for the nicest front of building area? Well she won the competition and that dog won her heart, so she is taking him home with her to Georgia. She will list him on petfinder.com in hopes of finding his owner. But if she never does, he will have a great life with her. What a lucky dog! This is him in the photo!!

Today something great happened. One of the two rescue dogs that we did get in under the wire a few nights ago was picked up by her owner’s brother. Sasha and her dog friend, Lady spent several days stranded out on a ledge somewhere in New Orleans. Lady’s owner will come and pick her up this week.

There is lots of good news, but lots of very sad news too. I’m finding it hard to deal with at times and sometimes just have to put my face into Gabby’s chest and cry. I talk to people desperate to find their pets all day long on the phone and in person. It’s heart wrenching because not only have they lost their home and personal items, they don’t know where their beloved pets are. And they are worried sick.

Petfinder.com seems to be the most comprehensive tool for anyone who needs help or wants to help the animals and their owners. It’s the only hope for anyone to find their pet. Animals are in shelters all across the country. It will take months to match them up. But I have hope that one day there will be many happy reunions.

Many of you want to adopt or foster an animal affected by Katrina. You can go to petfinder.com yourself, fill out an application online and look at animals that need fostering. But you Grand Rapids area people might want to hold off, because if things go as I hope, I might be able to bring a few cats for foster/adoption. In any case, fill out the petfinder.com application if you are interested in doing any fostering.

To safeguard pets that are owned and animals who still have yet to find their owners, we are in total lock down. Nobody but volunteers and owners are allowed in the building. People looking for pets will not be allowed in until we can be sure that the owned pets are placed in secure locations. It makes sense and hopefully it will happen this week.

Because of this, I have moved my information, phone call desk outside. Now with Gabby’s help, we can assist people who call on the phone and who come and visit how to navigate petfinder.com.

Thank goodness for the laptop loaned to us by Meeting Tomorrow because it’s used every minute of the day. Hopefully soon, I’ll be able to actually use it to check my personal email.