Saturday, October 01, 2005


Hello Friends

It's obvious why people use blogs as a daily journal. Because if you try to remember what happened two days ago (like i'm trying to recall thursday on saturday morning) the details become sketchy.

What I do remember is that things started falling better into place when I got a new front desk manager. Her name is Becky and she is from Ohio. Very into the humane movement and very good with the phones. So between Becky and Senta (another angel from IFAW) I hardly answered the phones at all. I also have Melanie and Joanne who are working as volunteer coordinators and both are great. So there are extra competent people at the front. Add to that Nelva, a DVM from public health and a few other key people and pressure started to ease up for me.

I can't recall much else about thursday so I'll finish this blog up and write about our last day...friday!